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New Applicants Guide

O.G.D. offers both local and correspondence membership. Members residing within 200km of a Temple are considered local; for those members, attending Monthly Temple Assemblies and the bi-annual Equinox Festivals is required to maintain an active membership. Correspondence members need not attend in person as often, of course, but are highly encouraged to engage in ongoing online activities.


To be initiated into our Order, the applicant is to contact us and make known their desire to be initiated. Only well written, formal, and sincere inquires will be considered and responded to. If the inquirer is local, they will be given a date and appointment for an in-person Interview with Interviewers appointed by the Temple Cancellarius. If correspondence, the applicant will be interviewed in the same manner but via online video conference. The Interview sessions last approximately 1-2 hours.


During these interviews all questions the applicant may have regarding the Order will be answered. They will also be given an overview of the teachings of the Order, some of its History, our Services, and our Dues Structure. At the end of this session the applicant is given the opportunity to apply for initiation. They will be provided with an Application Form which they must fill in and return within 30 days Following this is an evaluation period of 1-4 weeks during which time the application is viewed by the Wardens of the Temple, Astral Investigation is performed, and a Ballot is undertaken in Open Temple. If the application is approved, and a Dispensation for Initiation granted by the Head of the Order, the applicant is then contacted and given a Date for Initiation. It should be made clear that membership in our Order is not a right, but a privilege that is not granted to all applicants.


Please note that accepted applicants (and members), residing anywhere in the world, will have to travel to their Home Temple for all Initiations. We do not perform so called “Astral/Distance Initiation” nor provide any kind of support for “Self-Initiation”. A solid Golden Dawn progression can only be had through in-person Initiations, ongoing instruction in the written and oral tradition, and regular contact with other members of lower, equivalent, and higher grades to ensure a well-balanced exposure to the various stages of development in the system.


Applying for Membership:


The Steps


  1. Contact the Temple you are applying to set up a meeting to be interviewed by two members. This meeting will be either in person or online at the discretion of the interviewers.

  2. Fill out the membership application which will be provided to you following the interview. This application form along with a passport size picture of yourself taken within the last 3 months must then be handed in person or scanned / photographed and sent by email to the temple to which you are applying.

  3. Payment for the remainder of the GD year of international membership in O.G.D. must be made before your application can be considered in any Temple of the R.O.A.O.

  4. Once you are contacted and potentially approved for Initiation into the R.O.A.O., a date for the Ceremony to take place will be discussed with you. On that day you will prepare according to the instructions provided and bring with you all that is required.


As rights grow, so do the duties.


Initiation fees & membership dues


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