The Golden Dawn, is the name of our Fellowship which is composed of three Orders, which are distinct, yet complementary. These three Orders are known as the Golden Dawn in the Outer, in the Inner, and in Holiness, or as the First, Second, and Third Orders respectively.
The entry point into this Order is a grade called Neophyte 0=0 which is the threshold between the Profane World and full admission into the Order.
The R.O.A.O. is comprised of four contemplative and alchemical grades
Zelator 1=10
Theoricus 2=9
Practicus 3=8
Philosophus 4=7
The First, or Outer Order, is called R.O.A.O. As the Outer Temple of our initiatory structure, it is the source of dispensation of the Mysteries of Isis, also known as the Lesser Mysteries.
The main purpose of this Order is to induct men and women (the members) in the Lesser Mysteries in preparation for the Greater Mysteries. This is accomplished through a series of initiation ceremonies and ongoing contemplation of symbols and teachings, which through a series of workings and examinations culminate in the balancing of the Signet Star of the Microcosm through Spirit, which is itself the Gateway to the Greater Mysteries.